Wednesday, 2 June 2010


Er, is it too late to insert a spoiler warning?

Absolutely gutted that Rory has been killed off. Ok, we knew that something bad was going to happen to Amy and Rory. Of course we did. Moffett wouldn't have had the "older" Amy and Rory appear at the beginning of this superb two-parter just for the sake of a throwaway line. It was supposed to lull us into a false sense of security. And it bloody well worked! It's such a shame as I was really, really enjoying the new dynamic with Rory on board the Tardis. I was a bit wary of Amy Pond at first. She seemed a bit too cocksure, a bit too willing to follow the Doctor anywhere and everywhere, regardless of the potential danger. I've always felt that this show was at it's best when there was somebody around to hold the Doctor to account for his actions, to remind the viewer of just what can be at stake whenever the Doctor rushes toward mystery and danger in the name of adventure. That is what Rory brought to the show. He made Amy and the Doctor more interesting.

Oh well, off to Forbidden Planet this weekend with the intention of spending loads of money on comics (Avengers #1, Secret Avengers #1, Avengers Prime #1, Second Coming, and lots more hopefully) so that should cheer me up.

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