Sunday, 24 February 2013

Teddy Scare Bear Takes On LSCC!

Made my first trip to the London Super Comic-Con yesterday and had an amazingly good time. Picked up sooooo many small press books and sketch books (my wallet says "ouch!" btw.) and purchased a lovely piece of  V For Vendetta art by Dave Stokes. Seek him out whenever he is at a Con, you will definitely find something cool to buy. Managed to get a look at so much fantastic art: it was a real privilege to be able to hold pages by David mack, Mahmud Asrar, Simone Bianchi, John Byrne, Brian Hitch and Jack Kirby! Gosh, some of those Kirby pages were huge!  Oh I seriously need to win the lottery by next years show! I didn't see a David Mack page that went for less than a grand! And i didn't even bother to ask how much those Kirby pages were.

Also, I handed out some copies of "The Nightmare Bear", the collected edition of my Teddy Scare Bear mini-comics. They seemed to find their way into some interesting hands......   

Hey! Isn't this guy supposed to be dead? Well it hasn't stopped
Nightcrawler from checking out his new favourite comic! 

Your friendly neighborhood Spider Man taking a break from saving
the world so he can catch up on his Teddy Scare Bear reading!

The Dynamic Duo investigating a copy of The Nightmare Bear! 

Psylocke, Phoenix and the Scarlet Witch can't get
enough of the Nightmare Bear!

Those spangly shorts made my camera go all blurry!
Zatanna and The Black Canary clearly impressed
by my tales of teddy terror!

Cheetara! From Thundercats! Holy Shit!! And
she's a fan of The Nightmare Bear, too.

Holy smokes! How cool is this? V by Dave Stokes.

The rather talented Tsao Wei was giving out these lovely
skecth prints. 

Some of the swag I picked up at the LSCC
Yet more swag.

Still more swag.

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