Friday, 7 January 2011


Here are colour versions of the covers to ish 1 & 2 plus page 1 of ish 2. I'm sticking to flat colours as I think that is the approach that suits the art best. It's a little rough around the edges but I kinda like it. Hope other people do too. I should mention that Teddy Krueger is only in colour online. The actual mini comics themselves will be printed in b&w. I was going to put the colour version up on Comicspace but...well there doesn't seem to be any comics on there anymore. Lots of blogs, forums and art for sale but no comics (not that I can see, anyway). Shame the site had to be redesigned. Anyway, looking at other sites such as or I may just post them all here. I should also point out that Teddy isn't simply a spoof of that other Krueger fellow. This character was originally conceived after watching films such as Critters, Ghoulies, Child's Play and NOES but Teddy is very much his own character with his own story. More on that soon.

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