Sunday, 2 January 2011


One of my new years resolutions is to post more artwork and more updates on my comics more often. So here's another Teddy Kruger pic for ya. As I said in my last post, Teddy's an old horror character of mine from the 90's and was influenced by films such as "A Nightmare on Elm Street" and "Childs' Play". He was one of a number of horror themed characters that me and my old comics creating buddy Rob Pocock worked on after making our own super hero comics for a couple of years. We created some posters and strips but never really managed to get a proper comic going. Anyway, after hitting a bit of a wall with the first issue of "S.C.I" and the "Britains' Best Comics" one shot I decided I needed to work on something else - something quick and fun. I knew Teddy would be perfect as it would allow me to work in a much simpler style than the reference heavy style of S.C.I. I just was'nt sure of the format until I went to BICS 2010 and picked up some mini comics by R. Claude. One of them, called "Immortal Ewan and the Rod of Rasputin", was just a sheet of A4 folded in half 3 times to create a 7 page comic with fold out mini poster on the inside. It was the perfect format for what I had in mind for Teddy. I'm drawing these at a size only slightly bigger than my normal thumbnail size, so it's not possible to get bogged down in too many details or rendering. There's not much room for dialogue either so it's a pretty good excercise for telling a story as simply as possible. Teddy Krueger will be a 4 issue mini comic miniseries with the cast of S.C.I appearing in ish 4. More details and artwork to follow soon.

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